Our Sustainability Approach
We aim to meet economic, environmental, and social needs without harming the living conditions of future generations and adopt sustainable growth strategies to leave a better world to our future generations as a principle.
Human rights
To respect universal human rights, to support these rights and to take responsibility for preventing their violations.
Raising awareness of all forms of violence, including domestic violence.
Occupational health and Safety
To give priority to occupational health and safety.
Customer Health and Safety Throughout the Product and Service Lifecycle
To give importance and priority to customer health and safety throughout the product and service life cycle.
To share information about the health, safety and environmental impacts of our products and services with our customers in a transparent and systematic manner.
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery
To accept anti-corruption and anti-bribery as our main responsibility.
Reviewing our processes in a way to observe irregularity and anti-bribery.
Way of Doing Business Beyond Legal Regulations
To adopt a way of doing business beyond full compliance with legal regulations.
To accept the principles of transparency, fairness, responsibility and accountability in corporate governance.
Information security
To protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility features of information and to increase the awareness of our stakeholders about information security.
Employee Rights
To adopt the Business Ethics Rules (SA-ETIK) values and working principles.
Recognizing that equality of opportunity is one of the foundations of social sustainability.
To ensure equal and effective participation of women in business life and to increase women's employment.
Support the abolition of forced and compulsory labor and child labor.
To ensure that there is no discrimination in recruitment and job placement.
To have a responsible attitude towards our employees in ensuring work and private life balance.
Development Journey
To be the preferred workplace.
To implement our corporate and individual performance evaluation by spreading our strategies and goals across the entire organization and our employees.
To create a participatory work environment by transforming our corporate developments into best practice examples.
Relations with Stakeholders and Society
To communicate with our stakeholders in all our activities in a transparent, interactive and mutual trust manner.
Proactively managing our social, environmental and economic impacts together with our stakeholders.
Stakeholder expectations are reflected in our business style, culture and values, to take as a basis the understanding of management with social responsibility awareness.
To develop and diversify our social responsibility strategies, our contribution to society.
To support and spread the sustainability approach.
Efficient Use of Natural Resources and Less Waste
To develop business sugar for the effective use of natural resources.
Reduce water.
To work in accordance with the principle of reducing waste at the source.
Managing and regaining the resulting horse with the principle of zero storage in nature, creating economic value with recycling.
Compliance with the principle of non-pollution is in our activities instead of working for us.
Energy and Carbon Management
To combat global climate change.
To reduce the emission of all greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, from our activities.
Using renewable and efficient energy.
To control and reduce our environmental impacts with our environmental management system.
Environmentally Friendly Products and Services
To pay attention to environmentally friendly, safe, robust and high quality while developing our products and services.
To handle our products and services throughout their life cycles.
Responsible Value Chain Practices
To generate and distribute higher economic value.
To create competitive advantage and ensure sustainable profitability in our value chain based on continuous improvement and development.
To support sustainable growth with risk management culture throughout the organization by detecting corporate risks early and taking precautions.
To ensure the continuity of our critical products and services with our business continuity management principles.
To ensure that our suppliers comply with basic human rights, equal opportunity and business ethics principles.
Working with suppliers that comply with all legal regulations, including a safe working environment, working hours and remuneration.
Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship
To place innovation and corporate entrepreneurship at the center of our corporate culture and to ensure the dissemination of its practices with the participation of our stakeholders.
© CASA EMTIA Petrochemicals and Derivatives Inc 2025