Led by the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey, our company is founded with the title of Karsusan Karadeniz Fishery Products Inc. as an incorporated company in 1976 for the purpose of utilizing the products of districts in undeveloped regions by benefiting from the loans given by the World Bank, and the incentives such as 100% customs duty exemption, exemptions of tax, duty, mortar, and investment discount, the company went public in 2012. From 1976 to 2014, the company continued its activities as one of the leading companies in the sector with the production of fish flour and fish oil. Since the production was dependent on seasonal conjecture, the company stopped generating revenue and its shares were transferred to Watchlist Market with the decision of the Stock Exchange Board in 2015.
In parallel with the change of management in 2019, the title of the company was changed to CASA EMTIA PETROCHEMICALS AND DERIVATIVES TRADING INC., and its main activity to emtia trading and gas station management with the authorizations of Capital Markets Board of Turkey and Ministry of Commerce. Accordingly, the company commenced its activities and after many years, it became a revenue-generating company.
© CASA EMTIA Petrochemicals and Derivatives Inc 2025